Our lawyers possess the ability to provide a comprehensive range of services in the field of financial restructuring. This includes offering advice on innovative restructuring mechanisms, drafting all legal documents, providing support, and successfully achieving restructuring, with the aim of enabling businesses to become more integrated and streamlined.

We seamlessly integrate our regulatory and litigation practices to ensure that our advice and drafting reflect the latest regulatory framework and the most recent stance taken by Saudi courts and committees on the relevant matter, ensuring the protection of our clients’ interests.

Our team participates in corporate restructuring operations and complex debt restructuring, refinancing, debt-for-equity swaps, transfers, voluntary arrangements, and advises on similar transactions in sectors including industry, real estate, and others. This includes situations where debts involve complex arrangements between creditors and various credit structures and debtors subject to bankruptcy proceedings under the bankruptcy law, as a means to mitigate or eliminate financial damages and improve business operations.